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42nd Street Dance Audition Videos

These are the steps you need to learn and practise in preparation for your group dance audition, in this order;

4 x single time steps

4 x double time steps

4 x triple time steps

4 x 4th time steps (also known as wing time steps or peak time steps)
4 x travelling time steps (also known as treble time steps)

7 x hop shuffles and a shunt (leap), repeat

3 x hop shuffles and a shunt (leap), repeat 

1 x hop shuffles and a shunt (leap), repeat

4 x shuffle change

These steps can be seen in each of the videos below.  They are based on the iconic opening tap dancing number of 42nd Street.  There are some small variations between the videos, which have been explained in the accompanying text.  But as long as you generally follow the basic pattern above, and as Chris Bamford, our 42nd Street Choreographer, says,
"Give it a red hot go", he'll be happy - he just wants to get an idea of what you can do!

For important information about miminum age, and advice about booking,  please visit our 'Auditions' page.

Chris Bamford - Demonstration

In this video, Chris runs through the full to-be-practised tap audition routine from beginning to end, accompanied by the 42nd St music, without giving instructions, so you can see the flow of the routine.

The only variation from the other videos is that Chris repeats the '7 x hop shuffles' on the same leg, and then does the '3 x hop shuffles' on the opposite leg (compare with the video below). He says it doesn't matter if you use the same leg, or change legs, as long as you are getting the rhythm right.

0:00 - 0:05 seconds = 4 x single time steps

0:05 - 0:10 = 4 x double time steps

0:10 - 0:15 = 4 x triple time steps

0:15 - 0:20 = 4 x 4th time steps

0:20 - 0:30 = 4 x travelling time steps

0:30 - 0:36 = 7 x hop shuffles and a shunt, repeat

0:36 - 0:39 = 3 x hop shuffles and a shunt, repeat

0:39 - 0:40 = 1 x hop shuffles and a shunt, repeat

0:40 - 0:41 = 4 x shuffle change

Chris Bamford - Instruction

Here Chris takes us step-by-step through the prescribed tap audition routine, from the 'single time steps' to the 'travelling time steps' (which he goes over a few times).  The 'hop shuffles' are NOT included at the end.

Note also that there are different versions of the '4th time steps' in each of the videos. They are essentially the same step done in the same timing, but just done slightly differently - eg. straight on / turned slightly -  depending on which syllabus has been taught.

0:00 - 0:23 seconds = 4 x single time steps

0:23 - 0:39 = 4 x double time steps

0:39 - 0:56 = 4 x triple time steps

0:56 - 1:36 = 4 x 4th time steps

1:36 - 2:33 = 4 x travelling time steps - They are repeated a few times in this video.

NOT shown in this video;  7 x hop shuffles,  3 x hop shuffles, 1 x hop shuffles and 4 x shuffle change.

YouTube Video - Tutorial

YouTube Video - Demonstration

This video demonstrates the same to-be-practised tap routine from the rear, with American terminology.  It was originally presented by Mindy Moritz (Musical Mindy) on YouTube. Our dance routine presented here has been cropped from the beginning of Mindy's full YouTube video “42nd Street Opening Choreography Breakdown” which can be found at;

The only variation from the other videos is that Mindy changes legs for the repeats of the '7 x hop shuffles' and '3 x hop shuffles' (compare with the video above). As stated above, it doesn't matter if you use the same leg, or change legs, as long as you are getting the rhythm right.

0:00 - 0:25 seconds = 4 x single time steps

0:25 - 0:37 = 4 x double time steps

0:37 - 0:46 = 4 x triple time steps

0:46 - 1:00 = 4 x 4th time steps (here described as the peak time step).
1:00 - 1:30 - The single, double, triple and 4th time steps are put together.

1:30 - 1:46 = 4 x travelling time steps

1:46 - 1:56 = 7 x hop shuffles and a shunt (leap), change sides and repeat

1:56 - 1:59 = 3 x hop shuffles and a shunt (leap), change sides and repeat 

1:59 - 2:01 = 1 x hop shuffles and a shunt (leap), change sides and repeat

2:01 - 2:04 = 4 x shuffle change

Here we have Mindy Moritz (Musical Mindy) again on YouTube, this time with a closer view of the feet from  the rear. This is the direct link to her YouTube video "42nd Street Choreography Demo" 

The video shows our to-be-practised tap audition routine (0:12 - 1:06 seconds), and then the following steps (that don't need to be practised) in the total 42nd St opening number, so you get to see the steps with a little more context. 

Mindy demonstrates the routine once while saying the step names (see 0:12 - 1:06), and then again with musical accompaniment (see 3:00 - 3:58). 

Since all these steps are based on the much-repeated opening number of 42nd Street, you can find other similar videos of this routine on YouTube if you search by keywords such as "42nd Street Opening Number"

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